Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

14 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 2566
Author(s): Schulze-Busacker, Élisabeth.
Title : Proverbes et expressions proverbiales dans l'"Esope" de Marie de France
Source: Romania , 40180 ( 1997):  Pages 1 - 21.
Year of Publication: 1997.

2. Record Number: 1590
Title : Aesop's Cock and Marie's Hen: Gendered Authorship in Text and Image in Manuscripts of Marie de France's "Fables"
Source: Women and the Book: Assessing the Visual Evidence.   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H.M. Taylor .   British Library and University of Toronto Press, 1997.  Pages 45 - 56.
Year of Publication: 1997.

3. Record Number: 1598
Title : Fables for the Court: Illustrations of Marie de France's "Fables" in Paris BN, MS Arsenal 3142 [the manuscript was dedicated to Marie of Brabant, wife of King Philippe of France, and reflects the roles of reading and manuscripts at the French Court].
Source: Women and the Book: Assessing the Visual Evidence.   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H.M. Taylor .   British Library and University of Toronto Press, 1997.  Pages 190 - 203.
Year of Publication: 1997.

4. Record Number: 3489
Author(s): Amer, Sahar.
Title : Marie de France Rewrites Genesis: The Image of Woman in Marie de France's Fables
Source: Neophilologus , 81., 4 (October 1997):  Pages 489 - 499.
Year of Publication: 1997.

5. Record Number: 1665
Author(s): Jambeck, Karen K.
Title : Nature and Culture in the "Fables" of Marie de France and the "Isopes Fabules" of John Lydgate [International Courtly Literature Society. Eighth Triennial Congress. Queen's University of Belfast, July- August 1995].
Source: Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 7
Year of Publication: 1996.

6. Record Number: 1667
Author(s): Pickens, Rupert T.
Title : Marie de France's Bestiary: Acculturation in the Anglo-Norman Court [International Courtly Literature Society. Eighth Triennial Congress. Queen's University of Belfast, July- August 1995].
Source: Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 8 - 9.
Year of Publication: 1996.

7. Record Number: 1671
Author(s): Amer, Sahar
Title : Meaning at the Juncture of Text and Manuscript: The Case of Marie de France's Fables [1995 Convention of the Modern Language Association. Chicago, December 26-30, 1995].
Source: Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 12 - 14.
Year of Publication: 1996.

8. Record Number: 1660
Author(s): Whalen, Logan E.
Title : Equitan and the "Fables" of Marie de France [Forty-eighth Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 20-22, 1995].
Source: Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 3 - 4.
Year of Publication: 1996.

9. Record Number: 1782
Author(s): Maréchal, Chantal A.
Title : Marie de France or "Sapientia"? A Study of Author Portraits in Four Manuscripts of the "Fables" [International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, May 1996].
Source: Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 19
Year of Publication: 1996.

10. Record Number: 375
Author(s): Jambeck, Karen K.
Title : Reclaiming the Woman in the Book: Marie de France and the "Fables" [Marie de France replaces misogyny in Fables' sources with a more balanced view of women].
Source: Women, the Book and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St. Hilda's Conference, 1993. Volume 2. [Volume 1: Women, the Book, and the Godly].   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H. M. Taylor .   D.S.Brewer, 1995. Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 119 - 137.
Year of Publication: 1995.

11. Record Number: 3560
Author(s): Spiegel, Harriet.
Title : The Male Animal in the "Fables" of Marie de France [The author explores both female and male worlds in both the public and private spheres].
Source: Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Clare A. Lees with the assistance of Thelma Fenster and Jo Ann McNamara Medieval Cultures, 7.   University of Minnesota Press, 1994. Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 111 - 126.
Year of Publication: 1994.

12. Record Number: 10790
Author(s): Runte, Hans R.
Title : Marie de France dans ses "Fables" [The author discusses Marie's authorial presence in her "Fables," and considers bother her technique of self-naming and her distinctive use on incipits and epimythia (morals of the story). Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In Quest of Marie de France: A Twelfth-Century Poet.   Edited by Chantal A. Marechal .   Edwin Mellen Press, 1992. Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 28 - 44.
Year of Publication: 1992.

13. Record Number: 10791
Author(s): Speigel, Harriet.
Title : The Woman's Voice in the “Fables” of Marie de France [The author argues that, far from mere translations of traditional material, Marie's “Fables” convey a unique female voice. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In Quest of Marie de France: A Twelfth-Century Poet.   Edited by Chantal A. Marechal .   Edwin Mellen Press, 1992. Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 45 - 58.
Year of Publication: 1992.

14. Record Number: 10792
Author(s): Jambeck, Karen K.
Title : The “Fables” of Marie de France: a Mirror of Princes [The author considers Marie's “Fables” as a "mirror for princes," and compares it directly to John of Salisbury's “Policraticus.” Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In Quest of Marie de France: A Twelfth-Century Poet.   Edited by Chantal A. Marechal .   Edwin Mellen Press, 1992. Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 59 - 106.
Year of Publication: 1992.